Difference between private and public sewer systems

What’s the difference between a private sewer system and the public sewer system?

The private wastewater or sewer system refers to the drainage system located within the boundaries of private property. All the drains within the home including the kitchen sink, toilet and shower drains etc, connect to this private wastewater system, which runs horizontally underneath the lowest floor in the house and underground to the public sewer main. The landowner is responsible for the drains up to the junction point where the private sewer line connects with the public sewer system.

The junction and wastewater system beyond this point are the responsibility of local water corporations, such as Sydney Water. It’s the job of these water companies to maintain public drains. If a blockages occurs in the public sewer the water company must pay for the repairs.

Blocked drains can occur in both private wastewater (sewer) systems and public wastewater systems. Things can get confusing when the origin of the clog is not clear. A blockage in the public wastewater system can often cause problem for private landowners. For example, if there is a major clog in the public sewer main that is preventing the private wastewater from entering the public system, this can result in sewer overflowing onto private property.

This image explains the location of private and public sewer systems.

Determining responsibility for blocked sewers

The below factors are indicative of a blockage in the public sewer system:

  • the overflow is visible beyond your property boundary, eg from a manhole located on public land

  • your neighbours are experiencing the same problem

  • there is widespread flooding in your local area

  • you're experiencing a continuous overflow and you're not currently using water on your property.

  • If you’re experiencing overflow or problems with your sewer system and you suspect it’s an issue with the public system you can either get a licensed plumber to investigate the issue or call Sydney Water directly on 13 20 90. A maintenance crew will be sent out to determine if the problem is within the private or public wastewater system.

The maintenance crew will locate and check the public access chambers and jet the public wastewater pipe using a high-pressure water jetter. If they find that the public wastewater pipe is clear and the landowners sewer system is still blocked, this indicates the blockage is in the customer’s private wastewater system.

More information can be found here.

Who can claim expenses from blockages in the public sewer system?

If the blockage is in the public sewer system, either the licensed plumber or the landowner who has paid the licensed plumber, can claim for reasonable out of pocket expenses. The claims form can be found on the Sydney Water website. If you’re a landowner making the claim, you will need to secure a job number, which the licensed plumber can provide. You will also need to provide a timesheet of the work performed and attach all relevant invoices and supporting documentation.